What Is It Called When Men Get Snipped So They Can''t Make Babies

A vasectomy is a procedure that makes a human being permanently unable to get a adult female pregnant. It involves cut or blocking two tubes, called the vas deferens inside the scrotum. This prevents sperm from getting into the semen.

Path to improved health

Vasectomy may exist the safest, nigh effective kind of nativity command. Just nigh 1 or 2 out of 1,000 couples get pregnant the offset year afterwards a vasectomy.

A vasectomy is unremarkably done in your dr.'s office or in an outpatient surgery center. The performance takes virtually 30 minutes. You'll be awake during the process. Your doc will give you a local anesthetic to numb your scrotum. After you're numb, your doc will brand a very small puncture (hole) on ane side of your scrotum and pull out part of the vas deferens on that side. You lot may feel some tugging and pulling.

He or she will and so remove a modest department of the vas deferens, and seal it with small-scale clamps. Your doctor volition then do the same matter on the other side. The puncture is so small that it heals without stitches.

How should I prepare for the performance?

On the solar day of the procedure, bring a jockstrap (an athletic supporter) with you, and make sure your genital area is clean. Your doctor may give you instructions on how to clean the area earlier you come in. Your doctor may advise you bring someone to drive yous home after surgery.

What can I expect after the operation?

Y'all may accept some hurting, swelling, and bruising in the area where the surgery was performed. The bruises should slowly lighten and be gone in about two weeks. You should feel back to normal within a couple of weeks. Your md will give yous instructions to follow afterward surgery. The instructions may include:

  • Wear tight-fitting underwear or a jock strap to support your scrotum.
  • Utilize an ice pack to assist with the pain and swelling.
  • Get plenty of residuum.
  • Limit yourself to light action until you lot heal.

Is it okay to accept medicine?

Don't take aspirin, ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), ketoprofen (brand proper noun: Orudis), or naproxen (brand proper noun: Aleve) for one week before the procedure. All of these tin thin your blood and increment bleeding. Ibuprofen and naproxen can be taken after the process, only yous shouldn't take aspirin for another calendar week. You can besides try acetaminophen (make name: Tylenol) to save pain.

When can I render to work?

If you have a desk job, expect to return to work afterwards a couple of days. If you do physical labor, or walk or drive a lot, talk with your doctor about when you can render to work.

Will the vasectomy work correct abroad?

No. Y'all'll need to ejaculate every bit many every bit 15 to twenty times or await upwardly to 3 months before the sperm will be cleared from both of the vas deferens. For that reason, go on using birth command. Your doctor volition ask you to bring in samples of your ejaculation two or three months subsequently the process. Only after y'all have a sperm-free sample will yous be considered unable to get a woman pregnant.

Things to consider

Don't have a vasectomy unless yous're absolutely sure you don't want to take children in the future. Y'all may need to wait to have a vasectomy, or may not be able to have one, if yous accept an infection on or around your genitals, or if you lot have a bleeding disorder.

Tin can a vasectomy be reversed?

Some vasectomies can be undone, or "reversed," but the surgery is hard, expensive, and must exist performed in a hospital.

What are the risks of a vasectomy?

Problems that might occur after your vasectomy include bleeding, infection, and a normally mild inflammatory reaction to sperm that may have gotten loose during the surgery (chosen sperm granuloma).

Another hazard is that the ends of the vas deferens may discover a manner to create a new path to one another. This doesn't occur very ofttimes. But if it does, you could be able to get a woman pregnant.

What happens to the sperm?

Once sperm tin't get through the vas deferens, your testicles will begin making fewer sperm. Your trunk will absorb the sperm that are fabricated.

Volition a vasectomy affect my sex activity life?

After y'all have healed from the vasectomy, your sex life shouldn't modify at all. You'll yet ejaculate virtually the same corporeality of semen every bit yous did before, and y'all won't notice a modify in your sex drive.

When to see a doctor

Phone call y'all doc if:

  • You have a fever.
  • You lot have swelling that won't go down or keeps getting worse.
  • You accept trouble urinating.
  • You tin feel a lump forming in your scrotum.
  • Y'all accept bleeding from an incision that doesn't stop even after y'all've pinched the site between 2 gauze pads for x minutes.

Questions to enquire your doctor

  • What surgery technique volition you apply?
  • What could go wrong with the procedure?
  • Do you crave consent from my spouse before the procedure?
  • Are there any age requirements for having a vasectomy?


Centers for Illness Command and Prevention: Male Sterilization

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Kid Health and Human Development: Vasectomy


Source: https://familydoctor.org/vasectomy-what-to-expect/

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