Alien 1979 Ash Sees Baby Alien Fetus Inside Kane

"I tin't lie to you almost your chances but... yous have my sympathies."
Ash (from Alien)

Ash was a synthetic employee of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation and the science officer aboard the commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo. He was serving on the ship during its fateful voyage in 2122 when it encountered a Xenomorph on LV-426, an incident that eventually led to the destruction of the transport and the loss of all but one of its crew.

Ash's synthetic nature was kept clandestine from the remainder of the coiffure, who causeless he was merely another homo assigned to the send. In reality, he was a Constructed Sleeper Amanuensis who had been placed on board the Nostromo specifically to ensure the Xenomorph was returned to the company, for report and use in their bio-weapons partitioning. His body was destroyed by the surviving crew, but Ash secretly uploaded part of his AI into the Nostromo's shuttle, the Narcissus, and escaped with Ellen Ripley. Chris Hooper eventually wiped Ash'due south consciousness from the shuttle's computer banks, finally 'killing' him.


  • ane Biography
    • i.ane Early life
    • 1.2 Investigating the bespeak
    • one.3 Hunting the animate being
    • one.4 The truth revealed
    • 1.5 Aboard the Marion
    • 1.6 Legacy
  • 2 Personality and Traits
  • 3 Equipment
  • 4 Behind the Scenes
    • 4.1 Deleted airlock scene
  • five Trivia
  • vi Appearances
    • 6.1 Non-canon
  • 7 Gallery
  • eight References


Early life

Ash was a Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/ii[two] synthetic that was created for Weyland-Yutani in the early part of the 22nd century. Fiddling is known about his activities prior to 2122, but when the company detected and partially decoded the transmission coming from the derelict on LV-426, Ash was assigned to the Nostromo to ensure the retrieval of the alien creature they knew would likely exist plant at that place.[3] Ash replaced the vessel's existing science officeholder, who had previously served with Captain Dallas on several occasions, two days before the transport left Thedus.[iv] After take-off, Ash performed routine health checks on the crew — including Jones, the ship's cat — earlier they entered hypersleep for the journeying home.[v]

Investigating the indicate

"There is a clause in the contract which specifically states any systematized manual indicating a possible intelligent origin must be investigated."
Ash, to a reluctant Parker (from Alien)

Ash letting Dallas, Lambert and Kane in.

When the Nostromo ostensibly discovered the betoken on LV-426, Ash ensured the crew investigated past pointing out that failure to do so would incur a total forfeiture of their personal shares in Weyland-Yutani, every bit per company regulations. It seems Ash, acting in concert with MU/TH/UR 6000, also concealed the truthful nature of the bespeak from the rest of the crew — while Ash claimed the bulletin was undecipherable, after landing on LV-426 Ripley was able to determine that it was likely some form of alarm and not an S.O.S. every bit previously assumed. Even so, Ash successfully convinced her that heading out after the search party to warn them would exist futile. When Kane was returned to the ship with a Facehugger attached to him, Ash undermined Ripley's command and let the search political party dorsum on lath, thereby breaching basic quarantine regulations; the move made Ripley suspicious of Ash, suspicions she took to Captain Dallas, merely he had no answers for her.

Ash studying the Facehugger.

One time the Nostromo left LV-426, Ash notably ignored Parker'south suggestions that Kane exist put into stasis for return to Globe, where a proper medical squad could examine him. After attempts to merely pry the Facehugger from the comatose Kane failed, Ash attempted to surgically remove the creature at Dallas' insistence, but its acid blood almost ruptured the ship'due south hull. When it later detached and died by itself, Ash began studying the animate being intently. He discovered several interesting characteristics, including the Xenomorph's power to supplant its cells with polarized silicon, giving information technology a prolonged resistance to adverse environmental weather condition, simply evidently learnt nothing of value in the crew'south later on attempts to combat the Alien.

Hunting the brute

"Don't touch information technology, don't bear upon it!"
Ash, surreptitiously protecting The Alien (from Alien)

When the Chestburster ripped out of Kane at the crew's final meal earlier they were to return to hypersleep, Ash prevented Parker from attacking the infant Xenomorph with a knife, allowing it to escape into the transport. Ash constructed two tracking devices to help track the fauna, but a subsequent search resulted in Brett being killed by the already fully-grown Conflicting. When Dallas volunteered to go into the Nostromo's ventilation ducts to flush the brute into the ship'due south principal airlock, Ash remained notably calm as the other crew members panicked while Dallas was stalked and attacked.

The truth revealed

"Yous adore it..."
"I admire its purity. A survivor... Unclouded past censor, remorse, or delusions of morality."
Lambert and Ash, regarding The Alien (from Conflicting)

Ash's head is incinerated.

When Ripley became increasingly suspicious of Science Officer Ash's disability to provide any helpful information on the brute she consulted MU/TH/UR directly, finally learning of "Special Lodge 937", a secret directive that Ash had been given past Weyland-Yutani to ensure the return of the Alien to the company'southward laboratories, fifty-fifty at the expense of the crew. When Ripley confronted Ash with this information he attacked her, holding her downwards and attempting to asphyxiate her by forcing a magazine downwardly her throat. Yet, Ash was decapitated by Parker before he could kill her, revealing him to exist an android. Despite being headless, Ash continued to set on Parker until Lambert stabbed the android in the back with an electric prod. Later the confrontation, Ripley reactivated his remains, hoping to interrogate him for any data that might assistance in the fight against the Alien, just Ash merely mocked the remaining survivors, gloating that they would not survive the Conflicting's binge by giving an exact analysis of the unique characteristics of the fauna. Afterward hearing his taunts, Ripley deactivated Ash for adept and an enraged Parker incinerated his remains with a Flame Thrower. Still, unknown to the crew, Ash had already transferred part of his AI programming to the Narcissus,[vi] the Nostromo's shuttle.

Aboard the Marion

"I'm everywhere, Chief Engineer Hooper. I'thou in the Narcissus, deeper and more than entrenched than any of its onetime programs. I'm in the Samson and the Marion. Practice you really think a third rate virus program can bear upon me?"
Ash, to Hoop (from Alien: Out of the Shadows)

Ripley preparing the Narcissus for launch.

Post-obit Ripley's escape from the Nostromo, Ash secretly remained in control of the Narcissus. After keeping the shuttle globe-trotting for 30-seven years, he detected the distress call sent out by the DSMO Marion and rerouted the shuttle to intercept it, hoping to continue with his mission to acquire a Xenomorph specimen for Weyland-Yutani.[seven] Soon later on arriving at the Marion, Ripley learned of Ash's survival and he eventually revealed himself to the group, his voice having changed due to the Seegson concluding he uploaded himself into.[8] Throughout the incident aboard the Marion and on LV-178 below, Ash connected to plot against the survivors. After learning that Sneddon had been impregnated with a Chestburster, Ash planned to arrange the deaths of the residuum of the crew, hoping that she would then enter hypersleep aboard the Narcissus, allowing him to evangelize her — and the embryo she carried — to Earth.[9] Yet, Sneddon killed herself before Ash could put his scheme into motion.

With his plans to recover a Xenomorph in ruins, Ash, manifestly driven insane by the years he had spent drifting alone aboard the Narcissus, planned to continue his journey with Ripley, with whom he imagined he had developed an intimate connexion. Notwithstanding, before the Narcissus departed the Marion, Ash was finally destroyed when Hoop wiped the AI's program from the shuttle's mainframe using a figurer virus.[ane] With Ash destroyed, Ripley drifted through space for a further twenty years before beingness rescued.


"There were problems and a- a few deaths were involved."
Burke, regarding Ash's "malfunction" (from Aliens)

Ripley discovers that Bishop is an android.

Ash's betrayal led Ripley to develop an intense mistrust and hatred for androids, feelings notably displayed when she encountered the android Lance Bishop during a return mission to LV-426 with the United states Colonial Marine Corps. The 120-A/2 model became well-known for its tendency to malfunction and led to the introduction of behavioral inhibitors in Synthetics to prevent them from similarly harming humans.[2] Ash'southward deportment on board the Nostromo too imparted Ripley with a mistrust of Weyland-Yutani in general, thanks to their role in Ash'due south deployment and underground orders that undermined the crew'due south safety and survival.

Personality and Traits

"The A/two'south always were a fleck twitchy."
Bishop, regarding Ash'south behavior (from Aliens)

Every bit an advanced synthetic, Ash could finer mimic human emotions and mannerisms to the caste that his crew mates were deceived into believing he was in fact human being. Outwardly, Ash was calm, collected and intelligent, and seemingly considered himself superior to the balance of the crew, specially Parker and Brett.

Ash taunting the survivors.

With regards to his hole-and-corner orders, Ash clearly had no qualms with sacrificing the crew to ensure the Alien was returned to Earth. On several occasions he directly assisted in the fauna's progress and survival, although always subtly enough that his actions would non appear to exist an outright betrayal of the rest of the coiffure. Similarly, he would often appear to help in the fight against the Conflicting, most notably when he constructed motion detectors post-obit Kane'southward decease, although in hindsight it is clear his assistance was always specifically limited in its effectiveness. Despite his care, Ripley became suspicious equally shortly equally Ash breached quarantine rules past assuasive Kane and the Facehugger back on lath the Nostromo, something a Science Officer — in Ripley's mind at least — would never exercise. When his facade was uncovered, Ash displayed a cold, emotionless and cruel demeanor, something that complimented his artificial likeness, and he subsequently mocked the remaining survivors of the Nostromo in their futile struggle confronting the Alien earlier being deactivated.

Ash was also an adept liar, successfully concealing from the residuum of the crew the fact that Weyland-Yutani had already deciphered much of the transmission coming from the derelict before they had even left Thedus.[3] He feigned ignorance when the signal was assumed past the others to be a distress telephone call, even though the company had already learned plenty from the message to know that the Xenomorph the Nostromo had surreptitiously being sent to call back was an incredibly dangerous creature likely to impale the entire crew.

Although first and foremost an entity programmed to execute its mission with ruthless pragmatism, Ash's consciousness relates in the diary he kept aboard the Narcicuss' computers that he genuinely respects Ripley; admiring his enemy's bravery, strength, resourcefulness and tenacity, much similar how he admired the Drone aboard the Nostromo for similar reasons. Poignantly, he also longs to converse with her, every bit his programme has grown to be able to feel loneliness in his 30 years of solitude as Ripley slept.


Ash using one of his instruments on the Facehugger.

As the Nostromo's Science Officer, Ash utilized to the instruments in the transport's infirmary/laboratory to study both Kane and the Facehugger attached to him. In one case the creature was loose, Ash used his technological prowess to construct crude tracking devices to assistance track it.

Behind the Scenes

For the scene in which Ash is revealed to be an android and has his caput knocked off, a puppet was created of the character's body and upper body which was operated from underneath past a small puppeteer. During a preview screening of the film this scene caused a female person usher to faint.[10] The following scene of the surviving coiffure interacting with Ash's remains used both Holm, kneeling under the table with his head coming upward through a hole cut in its superlative, and an animatronic head, made using a face up cast of actor Ian Holm. However, the foam rubber used to make the head shrank equally it stale and consequently, the concluding item bore little resemblance to the real Holm. As in that location was no time (or upkeep) to make a second, the production squad had no choice just to use the existing model.[x] As a consequence the switch from prop to actor is very noticeable in the picture show. Milk, caviar, pasta and glass marbles were used to stand for the android's inner workings and fluids.[ten]

Deleted airlock scene

One notable scene that was cut from Alien was to make Ash's betrayal of the crew complete. Originally, following Dallas' death, the survivors all but succeeded in ejecting the Alien into space through the Nostromo's primary airlock. However, at the concluding moment, Ash activates an alarm in the area, scaring the animal abroad and subsequently causing localized decompression that seriously injures Parker and Ripley.[11] Ripley immediately suspects Ash, and it was after this incident that she was supposed to enter MU/TH/UR and learn the truth about his clandestine order.

The scene was cut during filming, although a small portion of it, set up on the Nostromo's bridge and featuring Lambert and Ripley, is available every bit a bonus characteristic on the Alien Anthology Blu-ray release. The unabridged sequence is featured in the film's novelization, while a have on the scene was subsequently incorporated into the Alien: Isolation DLC Coiffure Expendable.


  • Ash did not actually be in early drafts of the film's script.[12] He was added by Walter Hill and David Giler when they made uncredited rewrites on the script.[10]
  • In Prometheus, the android David is decapitated and subsequently shown to remain active and able to communicate even with his head severed. These scenes seem to exist an obvious homage to Ash, especially since David's voice begins to falter following his decapitation. This consequence was later repeated in the Alien: Covenant prologue curt The Crossing, where David instructs Shaw on how to reassemble his body.
  • In Alien: Isolation, Smythe'south corpse has a rolled-upwards mag forced down his pharynx, with the culprit unsaid to exist a Working Joe android. This is an obvious homage to Ash and the fashion in which he tries to kill Ripley in Alien.
  • The Bract Runner comic necktie-in series Blade Runner 2019 co-written by Alien: Covenant author Michael Green revolves effectually the main character of Aahna Ashina, nicknamed Ash. This is likely a reference to Ash and peradventure the commonly-held theory that the Blade Runner and Conflicting films are fix within the same universe.
  • Ash is the only grapheme in the Conflicting franchise to exist performed past two actors who have starred in ii seperate Ridley Scott films, Ian Holm appearing in Conflicting and Rutger Hauer appearing in Blade Runner. Coincidentally, Blade Runner and the Alien franchise accept always shared correlations with each other.
  • Hyperdyne Systems, the company responsible for manufacturing Ash, as mentioned in Aliens, is something of an inside joke referencing Cyberdyne Systems, the company responsible for creating the Skynet artificial intelligence organisation in the Terminator franchise, the showtime 2 films of which were directed and partially written by Aliens director James Cameron. In fact, the visitor's name, which first appeared in the February 26, 1985 first typhoon of the motion picture's script, was originally "Cyberdyne Systems", but it had been changed to Hyperdyne by the September 23, 1985 last draft.


  • Alien/novel/comic
  • Aliens/novel (photo only)
  • Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Transmission (mentioned just)
  • Alien Resurrection (novel) (appears in flashback)
  • Aliens: Original Sin (mentioned merely)
  • Alien: Out of the Shadows/audio drama
  • Alien: River of Hurting
  • Alien: Isolation (vocalisation just)
  • Deep Blackness (indirect mention)
  • Alien: Isolation (novel) (mentioned but)


  • Aliens: Nightmare Aviary (indirect mention)
  • Coiffure Expendable
  • Last Survivor (voice only)



  1. 1.0 ane.1 Tim Lebbon. Alien: Out of the Shadows, p. 330 (2014), Titan Books.
  2. two.0 2.1 James Cameron (writer and director).Aliens (1986), 20th Century Fox [DVD].
  3. iii.0 three.1 Alan Dean Foster. Conflicting, p. 261 (2014), Titan Books.
  4. Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett (writers), Ridley Scott (manager).Conflicting (1979), 20th Century Play a trick on [DVD].
  5. Alien: Isolation - Nostromo Log 009 - Health Checks
  6. Tim Lebbon. Conflicting: Out of the Shadows, p. 72 (2014), Titan Books.
  7. Tim Lebbon. Alien: Out of the Shadows, p. 46 (2014), Titan Books.
  8. Alien: Out of the Shadows audiobook
  9. Tim Lebbon. Alien: Out of the Shadows, p. 298 (2014), Titan Books.
  10. 10.0 x.ane 10.2 10.3 Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett, David Giler, Veronica Cartwright, Ivor Powell.The Brute Within: Making Alien (2003), 20th Century Fox [DVD].
  11. "Weyland-Yutani Archives - Ripley's Nosebleed". Retrieved on 2013-04-29.
  12. Alien script (first draft) by Dan O'Bannon


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