Dog Lost Weight Starting Food Again

what causes loss of appetite in dogs

What causes loss of appetite in dogs? It tin be really alarming when your pup just isn't every bit hungry as usual. Especially if your dog normally has a strong appetite, or if this loss of ambition comes with a lack of energy and languor.

In many cases, a short-term loss of appetite isn't a big deal. Increased stress and minor illness tin crusade a temporary loss of appetite, simply as it can for humans. But sometimes, a loss of appetite could be related to a more than serious issue.

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The truth is, there are quite a few potential reasons for loss of appetite in dogs. Let's go over some of the more common and uncommon reasons why your domestic dog may non be eating, and what you can do to aid the state of affairs.

Symptoms of Loss of Appetite in Dogs

So how can you tell if your domestic dog isn't eating plenty? In some cases, information technology may be obvious—your dog may refuse to consume anything at all. But other times, it may accept some investigation to get to the root of the upshot. Here are some general symptoms that could clue you in to your canis familiaris'due south loss of ambition:

  • Not eating as much as normal
  • Being unable to stop a meal
  • Not eating at all
  • Not interested in treats
  • Weight loss
  • Sluggishness or decreased action
  • Depressed or unusual behavior

If your dog has exhibited any of these symptoms, read on to learn the most common reasons for their loss of appetite.

Top Reasons Your Dog Won't Eat

There are a number of reasons that could be the culprit for why your domestic dog won't swallow. Here are the tiptop reasons along with what you can practise to remedy the situation.


Illness is 1 of the more common reasons your domestic dog may not be every bit hungry as usual. Just as a common common cold or fever can cause a loss of ambition in humans, this is also true with dogs.

If your pup isn't showing whatever other symptoms of affliction, monitor them closely and carefully. Specifically, continue an center out for symptoms such as

  • Change in behavior
  • Stiffness or problem walking/going up the steps
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Coughing, sneezing, or difficulty animate
  • Diarrhea or nausea
  • Cherry-red or cloudy eyes

If your dog is showing signs of illness, do the safe thing and take them to the vet. A proper medical workup and handling tin exercise wonders for a ill pup.


Has your hirsuite all-time friend been prescribed any new medications? Antibiotics and other prescriptions tin can often cause an upset stomach and loss of appetite in dogs.

Sometimes information technology can simply accept a couple days to adjust to the new medication. If that'south the instance, try warming up your dog'southward food before serving it to make it more flavory. You lot can also experiment with manus feeding, or trying out a new make of dog food.

However, if their appetite doesn't bounce back in a few days, you should contact your vet and seek their advice.

Dental Illness

Although less mutual, your dog could be suffering from dental disease. If the situation doesn't meliorate in a twenty-four hours or two you should have your dog'south teeth and gums checked out by a vet. This will dominion out gingivitis and damaged teeth.

You tin can examine your dog's oral cavity yourself, but go along in heed that just because yous can't spot any bug doesn't necessarily mean they're non there. It'due south always best to talk to a professional when you aren't certain.

Recent Vaccination

Has your pup recently been vaccinated? Information technology's not uncommon for vaccinations to crusade side furnishings such as a loss of appetite. The skillful thing is that these side effects are usually temporary and minor.

Travel and Unfamiliar Environs

Was your dog'due south appetite fine before recently traveling or moving to an unfamiliar place? New environments tin stress dogs out. If you've just moved or spent time traveling, this could potentially explain why your dog won't eat.

It's likewise not unheard of for dogs to go motion sickness from long automobile rides. Effort rolling downward the motorcar windows a few inches. You lot can also give them a motility sickness medicine, but it might be best to check with your vet commencement to make certain you're using the proper medication and dosage.

Finally, when y'all are in a new environment, do your all-time to make your pup experience comfortable and safe and they should get back to normal fairly soon. Every bit long as this loss of appetite proves to be brief and temporary, it's nothing to worry about.

Absence of Owner

Does your domestic dog but pass up to consume when you're gone? Dogs are pack animals, and sometimes they look for the pack (that's you!) to consume. It could also be a case of separation anxiety.

You tin endeavor leaving your pet sitter with some extra tasty food to give to your pup. As long as your dog does eat when you are around, you shouldn't accept anything to worry nearly.

That being said, if your dog goes on for days without eating you should contact your vet. They can potentially prescribe an ambition stimulant or a medication for treating anxiety.

Behavior Issues

At the end of the day, some dogs are just fussy. Others misbehave and pass up to swallow in the hopes of getting some tasty tabular array scraps instead. Another crusade of behavior changes could be having unfamiliar dogs or people around.

It's of import to rule out other possibilities before bold the cause is due to behavioral problems. You want to brand certain your domestic dog's loss of appetite isn't due to something more than serious.

Fourth dimension of Day

Your dog may prefer to swallow at certain times of the day. This is normal, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer as to when your dog should swallow.

Experiment by feeding your dog at different times and run into if feeding at a particular fourth dimension improves the situation. Information technology's normal for some dogs to only desire to eat at certain times.

Food Preferences

Have you lot recently switched to a new make or variety of dog nutrient? It's possible that your pup is simply not a fan of their new nutrient.

Take another await at your dog's food. Sometimes manufacturers modify or "amend" the formula of detail products. It could be a new version of the food that may not agree with your pup's tastes.

And when you lot practise determine to switch your dog'southward food, it's a proficient idea to practice so gradually over a period of one to two weeks. Each day add a little flake more of the new food and reduce the old food past an equal amount.

And make certain to check the expiration date!

Erstwhile Age

Information technology's normal for your dog'due south appetite to gradually decrease with age, especially if they've become less active as they've gotten older.

Information technology's possible that your dog just needs less fuel now that they're expending less energy. Age can too slightly dampen their sense of scent and gustatory modality, which can exacerbate the problem.

If you've ruled out other serious complications, try taking your best friend out for more walks. Practice is a keen fashion to inspire a healthy appetite.

What to Do When Your Canis familiaris is Non Eating

Knowing the reason why your dog won't consume will determine how to address the issue.

If your canis familiaris's loss of appetite is cursory and temporary, and your canis familiaris shows no other signs of affliction, information technology'southward probably nothing to worry about.

But if it'due south been a few days and you haven't seen any improvement, give your vet a call to assistance diagnose the problem and rule out a more serious illness.

Finally, make certain to check out the guide nosotros created on how to get your dog to eat. You might find information technology helpful for picky eaters.

Puppy Not Eating Due to Illness

Is your domestic dog not eating because they're sick? If this is the instance, you admittedly should take your domestic dog in to get checked out. When addressing a possible illness, your vet may prescribe a special diet to boost their immune organisation and give them extra nutrients to help them to recover.

Keep in mind, your pup  may not agree with this special diet. (It's often not the tastiest nutrition, especially if your dog is accustomed to people food or lots of treats.) If that'due south the case, y'all may somewhen demand to call your vet and discuss other options. They might suggest a liquid diet or even prescribe your pup an ambition stimulant.

In the meantime, try some of the post-obit to help better your dog'southward appetite:

  • Estrus your dog'southward food upwards before serving it.
  • Try hand-feeding. Dogs who otherwise won't eat often reply to paw-feeding.
  • Add chicken broth or beefiness broth to the food to make it more highly-seasoned.
  • Add warm water to their dry food to help soften it up.
  • Try to feed your dog dry food if they commonly only eat wet nutrient, or wet food if they usually only consume dry dog food.
  • Add together some white or brown rice to your dog's food.

Dog Stopped Eating Due to Behavior Issues

If you've ruled out sickness and determined that your dog's refusal to eat is a behavior problem, hither are a few ways to help care for the issue:

  • Dogs are creatures of addiction. Feed your pup at the aforementioned time every twenty-four hour period to establish a routine. Two meals per day is a good sweet spot.
  • Reduce the amount of people food and dog treats that you requite your dog.
  • Become your dog out for some do to piece of work up the appetite!
  • If you have other dogs, or are in a infinite that's adequately noisy, endeavour separating your dog and feeding them solitary, where they might experience more comfortable.
  • Get creative! Reward your dog for doing a trick. Feeding time tin exist a skilful opportunity to contain some training or implement new habits and tricks.
  • Try a different kind of canis familiaris food, or add a little chicken broth to their dish.

Switch Up Your Dog's Diet with Bully Max High Protein Dog Food

In that location are a lot of reasons your dog might lose their appetite. If they stop eating for a couple days but rapidly become back to normal, it should be zippo to worry about. Information technology'south important to stay at-home only vigilant, and avert jumping to conclusions when you lot're wondering what causes loss of appetite in dogs.

Just call up to proceed a close eye for any other symptoms of disease. Call your vet if your domestic dog'south appetite doesn't resume after a couple of days, or if they show any troubling signs of illness.

Finally, try some of the tips and techniques mentioned in this article to spur your dogs appetite. Yous tin can warm upward the nutrient before serving it, try mitt-feeding, add some chicken goop, or endeavor out a different brand of dog food.

Speaking of which: we offer a top-rated loftier protein canis familiaris food that's full of loftier-quality, all-natural, human-form ingredients. It'south packed with 535 calories per cup, making it a perfect choice for dogs who need more nutrition. Nosotros're confident that your pups will love it!


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