ideas for what to give up for lent

Are you gear up to become serious about your relationship with Jesus? Maybe you're one of the millions already scrolling through page after folio, site subsequently site to find something significant or meaningful to give up for Lent. If you aren't sure what to requite upward for Lent, get lonely with God and pray. Journal if needed, chances are God is already showing you how he wants to partner with you considering Lent is a wilderness journey for many Christians wanting to dive deeper into their relationship with God. It's a chance to get free of the shackles you may be in.

What Is Lent?

The give-and-take "Lent" comes from a Saxon word that meant "length." Information technology originally referred to the springtime season in the Northern Hemisphere when the days were lengthening, and signs of new life were appearing. In Eastern churches, Lent begins on the Mon of the seventh week before Easter and ends on Fri that is nine days before Easter. This 40-day "Groovy Lent" includes Saturdays and Sundays as relaxed fast days.

In that location are really 46 days in between Ash Midweek and Easter Sunday, simply Sundays during Lent on not considered to be "prescribed."Lent begins each year on Ash Wed, 46 days before Easter Dominicus. This year Lent will start on February 17th, 2021; and if you are following the twoscore days tradition, Lent will then end on Holy Saturday, Apr 3rd, 2021.

Ash Wednesday is the First Day of Lent

The purpose of Ash Midweek is to focus your heart on prayer and repentance through communion and confession. In the Catholic Church tradition, ashes are placed on the head past a priest to stand for the dust of the earth that we are fabricated from. The priest will commonly recite "retrieve that you are from dust and to dust you will return."

These ashes assistance symbolize the grief of our sins and the need for repentance. It is the outset of the Lent flavor in which the goal is to purify hear and soul, control desires, and pursue holiness, in grooming for Easter.

Why Do Nosotros Give up Things for Lent?

Lent is based on the time Jesus went into the desert and fasted for xl days. All the same, others believe it is based on the biblical significance of the number 40 — specifically, the forty years the Israelites wandered in the desert as well equally the twoscore days of Jesus being in the wilderness.

Information technology's a time of inner reflection, self-sacrifice, denial, and repentance. If something has a grip on you, more than probable it's become unhealthy. Information technology may or may not be an idol. Lent season is an opportunity to grow closer to God, to remember Jesus' life and death, and to focus more on him and less on ourselves and our busy schedules. Many Christians also use Lent to study their Bibles and pray more intensively, making use of the many devotional books and courses now available. In fact, according to an article by Christianity Today, 20% of Protestants, as a whole, (including 28% of Evangelicals) find Lent in some chapters, even if their dwelling house churches don't.

What to Give up for Lent? Here are 30 Bully Ideas

10 Simple Things to Give Up for Lent

1. Using words that don't glorify God.

two. Meat. Y'all can be a vegetarian for 40 days, or give up meat on Fridays, or give up red meat. Any it is, go far meaningful to y'all.

3. Soda. It'due south non adept for you anyway.

4. Pizza.You may be 1 of the millions obsessed with it, give information technology upwards.

five.  Ataxia. If it doesn't bring you joy… If information technology prevents you from existence organized…

six. Carbohydrate. Did you know a teaspoon of carbohydrate has the ability to lower your immune system for three to 4 hours? Enough said.

7. Dining out. All forms of fast food and restaurants.

8. Online shopping. If those Amazon memes hitting home, you know it may be a adept time to try this.

ix. Netflix, Hulu.All forms of watching tv, movies or any of your shows.

10. Dairy.This means cheese, lasagna, milk, you name information technology.

x Meaningful Things to Give Up for Lent

ane. Boob tube. If information technology's become a way to escape the twenty-four hours or if information technology's taken place of quality time spent with God, your family, your friends, or working out, it really needs to go. Are the shows you're watching hindering your relationship with God or not?

two. Non exercising. Brand this the time to go salubrious. Sacrifice the time in front of the telly to be active. Take care of the trunk God gave y'all. Effort Jazzercise, yoga, walks, sign up to railroad train for a 5K. If y'all struggle with your emotions, especially acrimony, consider kickboxing.

3. Your morning latte and all forms of caffeine. Save the money and tithe to a specific fund at your church.

4. Makeup. If you spend hours in front end of the mirror instead of in the Bible, this may be something to consider. If you accept issues with your appearance or feel insecure about your looks or if yous are and then attached to your eyeliner that you can't leave the house without it. Now is a proficient time.

5. Replacing i of your mealtimes with reading the Bible.

6. Fast from a bad habit.Is it smoking? Belatedly-night eating? Gossip?

7. Your hobby. It doesn't matter if your hobby is reading fiction, golf, fishing, etc, requite information technology up.

eight. Your phone. Instead of having it in your hand 24 hours a mean solar day, give information technology up. As soon as you get domicile from work, dock information technology somewhere in the house. Keep it out of your sleeping room. Just considering it's your but source of advice doesn't hateful y'all accept to ignore phone calls. Be sure to tell your friends and family you lot are giving up your phone at 6 p.m. so they know how to go a hold of you.

9. Social Media. All platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. ALL. OF. IT. If it's taken precedence over time with Jesus, friends, and family, if it makes you lot experience insecure, if you lot often have a case of FOMO, it'south time. This is the perfect opportunity to surrender this "high identify," this platform, this idol.

10. Masturbation. Being sexually pure is something God truly wants for you. This includes porn and sex exterior of marriage likewise.

10 Unique Things to Surrender for Lent

1. Bread.

2. Gluten.Your torso may be inflamed because of how much gluten you consume. This may be the perfect time to take your health seriously and give it up.

three. Booze. Yes, friends, vino is included in this category. And Beer, Bourbon, Whiskey, Cocktails, Martinis. ALL FORMS OF ALCOHOL.

four. Music. All forms of music except worship music.

5. Sleeping in. Instead, go up early on to spend fourth dimension with Jesus. Go upwardly at 5 a.m. and so it's nothing but you, Jesus, a Bible, and a pen.

6. Give up transportation. Walk or bicycle to work.

7. Sex. Enough said.

8. Plastic. God ordained united states of america to dominion of the world, this includes taking care of it.

9. Work.As in working late or putting work in front of your health, your family unit, or even time with God.

10. Spending freeze for xl days. Requite up shopping other than the basic essentials.

20 Boosted Things to Give Up for Lent

These are less traditional, simply all good things worth giving upwards during Lent. Giving up on some of them may lead to good for you habits you lot can practise throughout the twelvemonth.

ten Unhealthy Things to Give up for Lent

1. Resentments. Is there anyone in your life that yous harbor resentment toward? Now is a good time to let those feelings go and pursue forgiveness.

2. Snacks. Do you have something sugary or starchy you regularly eat between meals? Is it helping or hindering your health?

3. Arguments with your spouse.Make a deliberate pick to use at-home discussion tactics (like each person writing down their concerns) when you disagree on something.

4. Nagging your children. Exercise you only actually talk to your kids when they forget something? Lent is a great fourth dimension to try something new, similar chatting over hobbies.

5. Conflict avoidance. It's never fun having a hard conversation with a coworker or family unit member, just avoidance just delays the pain.

half dozen. Not sending thank-yous cards.You know you need to say "cheers."

7. Forgetting to talk with loved ones.Y'all don't have to answer every text from your third cousin, but you tin can notice fourth dimension to answer more messages and ship thank-you cards.

viii. Non wearing sunscreen. Don't forget to accept care of your pare when you go outside.

nine. Soft role chairs. Practise some skilful for your back and try standing at your office.

10. Ignoring chores.Think that motorcar oil alter or garage cleaning yous've been putting off? This month is a good time to face that.

10 Recreational Things to Surrender for Lent

1.  Books you will never read. If information technology'south been on your shelf for a few years and you know yous'll never read it, complimentary up the shelf space.

two. Light reading material. Commutation your "quick Bible quotes" book for something more than contemplative, like a archetype Christian book.

3. Radio. Instead of listening to car commercials and popular music on the way to work, popular in an Easter hymn CD or a sermon.

4. Excessive video game playing. Your Fortnite account will however be there when Lent is over.

5.  Phones at dinner. Make a rule for anybody to leave their phones off at dinner, so you can all have a conversation instead.

6. Family motion-picture show nighttime. Trade watching movies or Telly as a family for a game nighttime or something else that requires in-person engagement.

7. Late-nighttime activities.Turn in early on to go extra rest and possibly rising earlier for devotions and Bible readings.

viii. Unwanted toys. If you've got games or toys (for kids or pets) that everyone has outgrown in the closet or garage, consider donating them.

nine. Electronics. Get off your game app and play a puzzle instead, or pick something else that doesn't take cords, screens or reckoner chips.

10. Traveling far away. Instead of hitting the big tourist destinations, await for local venues or activities that you didn't know virtually.

Whatever God leads you to give up for Lent, may it serve as a powerful decision to pursue more of God and less of self!

Download your FREE copy of our 40 Twenty-four hour period Lent and Easter Devotional  - filled with daily Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for Lent season.

When is Lent?
Prayers for Lent
Lent Scriptures and Bible Verses

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/simpson33

Heather Riggleman is a believer, married woman, mom, author, social media consultant, and full-time writer. She lives in Minden, Nebraska with her kids, high school sweetheart, and three cats who are her entourage around the homestead. She is a former award-winning journalist with over 2,000 articles published. She is total of grace and grit, raw honesty, and truly believes tacos can solve merely almost any situation. You can find her on GodUpdates, iBelieve, Crosswalk, Hi Darling, Focus On The Family, and in Brio Mag. Connect with her at world wide or on Facebook.


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